Thursday 25 October 2012

our task was to film a small convosation with another character using the 180 degree rule, in our task we chose to use a teacher and student convosation in a class room about the grades of the student.


in the filming my role was the student waking into the teacher office and sitting down and talking about the grades. we start the shot of the overview of the class room, then a close up of the sign saying head office and then the student walking round the corner then entering the class room. the shots that we used was over the shoilder shot so it would be moving from person to person so the audience and get more involved in the shots this is also known as match on action.
in the framing on the shots we used the 180 degree rule. on the screen their was either a shot of my shoulder of ellie's shoulder.

i was happy about the resault of the film that we produced. it ended up being better then we planned. we could have inproved it by using a trypod to make the film more stable and not shacking. we also could have used a more viriety of shots than just the two that we used, as a group i think that we worked well togeather, the planning of the film was done very well and helped us to film, and both actors knew what they were doing and saying.

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