Sunday 16 December 2012

Evaluation Activity 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What’s on;

At the cinema there are normally all the categories of film/genre showing, but it depends on the year as the films are always changing and depending on the time of year when films are released. Horror films such as “paranormal activity” are released towards Halloween where more people, from the time of year want to see horror related films. At this time of year people tend to see more happy related films or Christmas films such as “Rise of the Guardians” (
Most of the films showing at the cinema this month are action and adventure but this varies depending on what month you are in or what the latest biggest film is out. i.e in novemeber the new James bond film came out which is an action/adventure so most of the films showing are of this same genre.
Big block buster films sure as the new James Bond “Skyfall” don’t always have a time of year when they are released into the cinema which is a Action/Adventure film don’t normally have a season where they come out.

Film festivals;
Big film festivals such as BFI film institute which is the UK's largest public film event, is run every year in the second half of October showcases the best of world cinema to champion creativity, originality, vision and imagination, and presents the finest contemporary international cinema from both established and emerging film-makers. BFI also supporting the production of a wide range of big block buster hits such as James Bond.

There is also a different type of film festival called Liff. Liff is a festival dedicated to films made by us, non known film directors giving us all a chance. There is a first and second prize and it is where thousands of people get together to enjoy other people hard work and efforts.

Other film festivals such as Edinburgh International are an annual fortnight of cinema screenings and related events taking place each June. It is the world's oldest continually running film festival. The EIFF aims to present both UK and international movie premieres and to exhibit the work of film-makers Independent cinemas;The Independent Cinema Office (ICO) is the national support organisation for independent exhibitors of all kinds including cinemas, film festivals and film societies.

Young filmmakers competition;
Austin Film Festival will showcase the best youth filmmaking from around the country during the 20th Annual Austin Film Festival, October 24 – 31, 2013.The competition is free to enter and open to youth filmmakers ages 13 to 18. The winning filmmaker will be notified prior to the Festival, and will receive two Conference badges to the 2013 Austin Film Festival , tickets to the AFF Awards Luncheon (Oct. 26, 2013), an AFF Award and reimbursement (up to $500) of one round-trip airfare to Austin to attend the 2013 AFF.From
The bbc hold whats called a Film network, now this is a page in which is dedicated to a page full of competitions in which you can enter for a film maker. Such as 8 Hour Film Challenge.
A new meaning to 'short films'. Select a genre. Receive a character, prop and line of dialogue to appear in your film. The rest is up to you to decide- and to create and complete - in 48 hours!

looking at all of these I think that as a group the best idea would be to entre the group into a national young filmmaker competition as from the genre that we chose and doing it for the first time would be fun all round for the group. I think that the other options would not be suitable as our film is not up the quality or standard of modern professional films.

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