Monday 17 December 2012

Evaluation Activity 6

Q6 what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

Looking at this picture we have a wide range of technologies such as the camera, tripod and mac. We used all of these different range of technologies in the making of our film.

In this picture it shows three types of equipment that we used and are using to complete our opening sequence. The equipment we used were Camera, we used a personal camra as we believed that it has better quallity pictures and it also has night vision that we used in our film.

Starting of with the tripod, this came in very handy in assuring the filming was straight and steady when it was needed. It made sure that when we were filming it made creating the shots a lot longer with steady movement, and also made when zooming much more of an ease in assuring it was kept straight, we felt it was important to use one when;
1. Long time-exposures. a tripod is recommended for exposure times longer than the reciprocal of your focal length

2.Blurred, "streams of light" night exteriors, we felt it was important to use this when filming in night vision so prevent the shot or frame from becoming blur.

Basically, a tripod just provides a steady, even stand for your camera, so that you are not holding your camera in your hands. This means that you do not get blurred or shaky images because your hands wobble while taking a picture.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using tripods;

Dis- Tripods are bulky, take time to set-up, and slow you down and your shooting is less spontaneous. Adjusting lens height is more time-consuming than with a monopod. Tripods also make you more obvious. In some public areas, certain museums, etc., tripods are not permitted.

Adv- Tripods allow for careful, precise composition, and virtually eliminate any image blur introduced by camera shake.

lastly we also used a Mac computer. We only used these when finishing all of our filming and when we started doing editting. The programs we used are Imovie to edite our opening sequence to a satafactory standard. 

with the camera, this appliance was key to making our movie as it got all our hard work of acting on tape. We used our own camera instead of the schools camera meaning the view find was HD and the camera itself was much smaller making the filming a lot easier and much easier to move around.

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