Sunday 16 December 2012

Q2 Evaluation Activity 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film opening represents different social groups from the beginning, this was important to do as people can relate to the characters and feel as if they have an understanding as to how they feel and this makes it more personal for the audience. This also keeps the audience interested throughout the film.

The key character that I have chosen from my own film opening scene is the Little Girl who plays a 10 year old girl called Isobella, who is played by Emily Howlett. Isobella is kepet in a cage in the garden by her father, her dad played by Samuel Evans is a discharged army X special forces who been discharged after suffering from shell shock and other war illnesses.
The character who i am comparing Isobella is Kim from the film "Taken". They are simular as both their dads are or were in the special forces and they have to look after them selves when being but into a suituation. They are different in the face they are from different genre as "Taken" is an Action film when ours is Thriller/Horror.

The differences between them both is the age they play 10 and 16, and the locations they play in. Isobella stays mostly in the back garden in a cage until the end where as with Kim she moves around alot from America to France.

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